Protect student's and faculty health when the air quality is unhealthy.
The Air Quality Flag Program uses brightly colored flags to help a community be aware of daily air quality conditions. The flag colors correspond to the colors used in EPA’s Air Quality Index (AQI), which tells how clean or polluted the air is for that day. When community members know the daily air quality, they can adjust their activities to reduce their exposure to air pollution. The purpose of the Air Quality Flag Program is to help people continue to exercise and work outside while protecting their health when the air quality is unhealthy.
Good. Air quality is safe.
Very Unhealthy.
Unhealthy for sensitive groups.
WHE will provide a limited number of flags to schools and early learning centers across southwestern PA to empower our communities to take action on air quality. Technical assistance and lessons will be provided to staff and students to educate them on the Air Quality Flag Program.
Please email Pecola Abele, WHE Healthy Schools Manager, if you have any questions or need more information.
Contact Women for a Healthy Environment with any questions, comments, or concerns. We will do our best to get back to you promptly. Thank you for your interest in our network!