New School Year, New Environmental Goals: How working towards a Green Ribbon  

phot of group of children running to school

Typically, the beginning of the calendar year is when new goals and resolutions are set – so let’s kick off the school year with an environmental sustainability resolution for your school or district!   Many sustainability programs were paused at the beginning of the pandemic, some which have still been paused until this upcoming school […]

Eco Healthy Childcare Endorsement for Eastern PA’s AJ Early Learning Center

Educators and children playing games outside

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Relay Day was held at AJ Early Learning Center in Elkins Park, PA last month to recognize the Eco-Healthy Childcare endorsement the center earned from the Children’s Environmental Health Network R(CEHN). Children 15 months to 5 years old participated in relays and games using recycled materials including water bottle bowling, feed the […]

Back to School: Healthy School Supplies Guide

Chalkboard and school supplies

Opting for greener back to school supplies not only saves the environment and your health but can save money too. These tips can help you, as a parent, teacher, or student, choose non-toxic and eco-friendly school supplies for a healthier, safer school year.

5th Annual Healthy Schools Summit

Healthy School Summit Banner

Thursday, December 3, 2020 from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM EST How are school stakeholders coming together to realize our shared goal for green, safe and healthy schools for students and staff to return to? How are school leaders translating public health research into action to prevent the spread of COVID-19? What resources are available […]

Every Child Deserves a Lead-Free School

There are 500 school districts across the state of Pennsylvania serving over 1.7 million school-aged children. By law, we require children to go to school, thus we must make every effort to ensure that their learning environments are safe, healthy, and conducive to learning. There are many complex issues our schools are facing head-on. Preventing […]