Welcome Kits

Contact WHE to request a welcome kit that provides environmentally friendly items for use in the early learning setting. Each will help you begin the process of making your center eco-healthy.


Healthy Schools PA helps parents, teachers, staff and administrators identify and remedy environmental risk factors in our schools. We provide information, support, and hands-on assistance so that our children can thrive and learn in healthy, toxic-free settings. These FREE kits are available for schools and educators.

Early Care Professionals Welcome Kit Includes Resources and Information on:

  • Disinfecting Sprayer Lending Program
  •  1,000 hours program for Lead & Radon Testing
  • Child Care Certification for Eco-Healthy
  • Three Hours of PQAS Certified Professional Development on PA Healthy & Green Initiative: Eco-Healthy Child Care at no cost
  • Healthy schools poster
  • Copy of state of the schools report

Interested in supporting this program?

For just $25, you can help us provide an environmentally friendly welcome kit to centers and help them “green” their facility, keeping both children and staff healthy and safe. 

Give $25 To Support Our Work