Child and educator outside on turf doing arts and crafts.
Resources for Early Learning Centers in Pennsylvania
Our goal is to provide recommendations for solutions, policies and practices that will immediately benefit the health and well-being of children and staff in centers. Professional development is available for a small fee to school professionals including facilities staff, educators, and administrators on a variety of environmental health topics.

There are many potential environmental hazards in early learning centers that can impact a child’s ability to learn, play and grow, as well as harm staff health. Connect with WHE staff who will provide recommendations for policies and procedures to immediately benefit the health and well-being of children and staff in the center.

Areas of Focus

Healthy Learning Principles

Our staff offers technical assistance programming through environmental health consulting, including environmental hazard identification and mitigation, action planning, funding identification and grant writing assistance, policy and protocols review and revision and technical training for school professionals.
Clean indoor air flyer
Clean Drinking Water flyer
No environmental hazards flyer
Nutritious and fresh school food flyer
Sustainable purchasing policies flyer
Green outdoor spaces flyer
Access to support services flyer
Engaged community flyer

Request a Consultation

Does your early learning team need professional development (PD) hours? Request a training or professional development opportunity for your school or staff. Complete this form to learn more about PD opportunities.

Please share 1-2 sentences with us on the nature of your request e.g. I have a concern about indoor air quality at my school, or I would like to speak to someone about the Healthy Schools Recognition Program.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Children’s Environmental Healthy Network (CEHN)

Our goal is to provide recommendations for solutions, policies and practices that will immediately benefit the health and well-being of children and staff in centers. Early learning and day care facilities are charged with taking care of our youngest and most vulnerable population. The presence of air and water-related contaminants can be particularly dangerous to our children’s physical and cognitive development. Our staff provides assistance along with expertise, tools, and financing to address and, if need be, mitigate problem areas.

Group of people in a business meeting