Schmitt Ameeta
I am an Assistant Principal at Pittsburgh Brashear High School. Formerly, I taught grades 9-12for 7 years as a Foreign Language instructor. I recently completed my Doctorate in Educationwhere my work focused on language, literacy, and culture. Throughout the program, I was alsoinvolved in Social Justice Advocacy work. Being an employee in a highly diverse […]
Brand Judy
I am a certified school nurse and have been with the Environmental Charter School for 10years. Our school has a huge focus on green cleaning and environmental concerns, so gettinginvolved with Women for a Healthy Environment went right along with our school’s guidingprinciples. Our school has worked with Kara and Dr. Gentile on air quality […]
Fuller Sarah
I have been teaching fourth and fifth grades at Pittsburgh Urban Christian School (PUCS) inWilkinsburg, PA since 2007. Last year, as part of my integrated unit about the circulatory andrespiratory systems, my students and I began working with Women for a Healthy Environmenton a multi-faceted air quality project. I found myself both deeply interested and […]
Domagala Joe
I currently serve as an Assistant Principal at Eden Hall Upper Elementary School in thePine-Richland School District. In addition, I also serve as an Adjunct Instructor of InformationSystems Management at Duquesne University and participate as a member of PA HealthyEnvironment and Reopening Schools Workgroup. During my time at Eden Hall UpperElementary School, we have increased […]
Griggle Jessica
I am the Food Service Director for Plum Borough School District. I have been with the District for 5 years. I became involved with Women for a Healthy Environment when I started researching composting and green products for use in our school cafeterias. I am dedicated to ensuring all children have an opportunity to receive […]