Ways to Give

There are many great opportunities to become engaged with Women for a Healthy Environment. Whether you receive our newsletter, volunteer your time, make a donation or take action on policy initiatives, you can make a difference in our community by becoming informed about environmental issues that affect our health and the health of those we care about.


As a nonprofit, we rely on the support of the community to further our mission of creating healthy communities for all. Won’t you join WHE? Visit our give page for ways to support our work. Your donation can help us provide education to the community, including classrooms and afterschool programming.

Shopping online for any reason? Supporting WHE is as easy as 1-2-3! Shop on Amazon Smile and they’ll donate to WHE at check-out! 

Request a Program

Did you know that WHE provides programs to communities all across southwestern PA? Whether you are a corporation seeking a lunch and learn opportunity for your staff or a faith-based group leading a community wellness initiative, we’re here to help!

Request a WHE speaker at your upcoming event or program

Use your Voice

There are many opportunities at the local, state and federal level to make an impact…and that’s by reaching out to lawmakers to express your concerns or support for legislation to impact our health and environment. Visit the Advocacy section of our website to learn more about our policy agenda and how your voice can make a difference to protect public health.


WHE offers paid and unpaid internships throughout the year. If you are interested in an internship, please contact us.

Women for a Healthy Environment


We’re always looking for volunteer groups and individuals with special skills in an area of expertise to assist with our projects and activities, including education programs, office work and special events.