Take the challenge!

Log into any social media website and you will see all types of hashtags for a variety of different “challenges” to participate in. Some of them may cause you to become a social media super star, but there is one in particular that has the best long lasting effect.

The Plastic Free Challenge

Started in 2011 in a western Australia, Plastic Free July has now expanded into a global effort where million of people give up single use plastic during the month of July. The goal of this initiative is to raise awareness about the incredible amount of waste we create through our collective use of single use plastics. The challenge aims to reduce the amount of plastic we use, and to create conversations around this use.

What is single use plastic? How do I get started?

Single use plastics are any plastic that was created with the intention to only be used for a single purpose. Examples include: straws, coffee cups, drink cups, plastic bags, and the list goes on. These single use plastics can easily be avoided and replaced with alternatives that you can use over and over again without polluting our planet. Which leads us into our second question. How do I get started?

Even if you can’t do an entire month of plastic free, commit yourself to at least switching out one of your single use plastics for a better alternative.

  • Are you a coffee lover? Try bringing a mug or reusable cup to your shop, it’s likely you’ll even get a discount for it!
  • Keep a reusable shopping bag in the front seat of your car, so that you always have it with you and insight
  • Say “no straw” when out dinning and have a reusable straw in your car or bag so that you always have it with you for those tasty last minute drinks
  • Refuse. If you forget to bring a reusable item with you, then decide to just come back another time when you have that item. This is a new habit that I’ve gotten into with coffee, if I don’t have the reusable container for it then I won’t get it that day.

Remember any steps that you take towards reducing your plastic use matter, no matter how small. It also takes around 28 days to build a habit so why not give it a try 😉 Follow the link below to sign up for the challenge, and to receive information and support throughout you plastic free journey!

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