Press Release: WHE Receives USEPA Safer Choice Partner of the Year Award

Safer Choice U.S. EPA Partner of the Year 2024 award name.


Contact: Dolores Parker
Phone: 412-404-2872

Women for a Healthy Environment Receives USEPA Safer Choice Partner of the Year Award

Pittsburgh, PA (September 24, 2024) – Women for a Healthy Environment (WHE) has received the USEPA Safer Choice Partner of the Year Award for its leadership in promoting the use of Safer Choice and Design for the Environment (DfE)-certified products. Through its Healthy Childcare Champions program, WHE has provided safer product alternatives to over 100 childcare centers, helping to protect children from harmful chemicals linked to asthma, respiratory issues, and developmental delays.

WHE’s efforts focus on reducing environmental health risks in underserved communities by educating families, schools, and early learning centers about the benefits of switching to Safer Choice-certified products. “This recognition underscores our ongoing mission to promote environmental justice and safeguard children’s health through safer product options,” said Michelle Naccarati-Chapkis, Executive Director of WHE.

WHE’s outreach prioritizes children, families, and educators by encouraging the adoption of safer products that help reduce exposure to common asthma triggers and respiratory hazards. “Working with Philadelphia’s early learning centers, we aim to ensure that the spaces where children learn and grow are as safe and healthy as possible,” said Lorna Rosenberg, WHE’s Philadelphia program manager. “By making the switch to Safer Choice-certified products, these centers are taking critical steps to create healthier environments that support children’s development.”


About Women for a Healthy Environment: WHE is a non-profit organization that
empowers underserved communities to build resilience, promote equity, and safeguard
children from environmental health hazards. We collaborate with families, schools, and
early learning centers to create healthy environments where children can flourish.
Guided by science, we advocate for policies and programs that foster equitable lives
free from environmental harms.

About Safer Choice Program: The EPA’s Safer Choice Program helps consumers,
businesses, and purchasers find products that perform well and are safer for human
health and the environment. Products with the Safer Choice label contain ingredients
that have been thoroughly evaluated by the EPA to be less harmful.

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